Preliminary Engineering Report
urban flood control
The Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Project was in direct response to the 2011 flood that occurred in the Mouse River Basin in North Dakota. This historic flood caused unprecedented damage throughout the basin. As a result, the Souris River Joint Board asked Governor Dalrymple for assistance in developing a flood protection project for the entire basin in North Dakota. This set the process in motion for the development of a Preliminary Engineering Report.
Following a number of stakeholder meetings, an Initial Concept Alignment was released on November 3, 2011. This release included a technical memo and associated maps.
Following the release of the Initial Concept Alignment, a series of public input meetings were held. Public input from these meetings, and that which was submitted through other methods such as the website, was collected and analyzed. As a result, a number of alternatives for consideration were developed over the next two months.
On January 31, 2012, the City of Minot City Council voted to include several of the proposed alternatives in the Preliminary Engineering Report.
The Preliminary Engineering Report was released on February 29, 2012. The final report and associated maps can be reviewed below. The City of Minot City Council subsequently adopted the Preliminary Engineering Report.
(Please note the Preliminary Engineering Report maps reflect a 10% design level and show boundaries and map development created during very preliminary planning processes. The newer maps for the projects currently in design and construction have been designed with much more detail.)