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Phase MI-1 4th Avenue Flood Protection Project Broadway Pump Station Testing Underway

Testing at the Broadway Pump Station, a storm water pump station at the corner of Broadway and Fourth Avenue NW, started this week. The Broadway Pump Station makes up a substantial piece of the Phase MI-1 4th Avenue Flood Protection Project.

This station can pump 180,000 gallons of water per minute which would drain an Olympic size swimming pool in under five minutes. The station includes eight total pumps: four pumps with capacity to pump 40,000 gallons of water per minute, three pumps with capacity to pump 7,000 gallons of water per minute, and one dewatering pump. Teams have been on site all week to monitor all operations of the equipment and the station, and all tests have been successful.

A portion of the Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Plan, Phase MI-1 4th Avenue includes over 2,250 feet of floodwalls located between just west of Broadway and just west of Third Street NE. The project also includes earthen levees on both sides of where the Broadway Bridge connects on the north side of the river, and two removable closure structures in the flood wall.

“The successful testing at the Broadway Pump Station is a major milestone in our flood protection work,” said Dan Jonasson, Minot Public Works Director and member of the Souris River Joint Board. “Testing these pumps takes an extraordinary amount of coordination and planning. All tests have been successful, and we are looking forward to finishing this portion of MI-1 4th Avenue this construction season.”


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