Water Treatment Plant floodwall closure training to impact 16th Street traffic
Minot, N.D. – Essential training on road closures for flood protection will happen on Tuesday, July 18, causing some travel delays on 16th Street SW by the Water Treatment Plant. Drivers should allow a few extra minutes to travel on this portion of the road, as City of Minot staff will be installing the temporary road closures needed to connect permanent floodwalls from approximately 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and driving lanes will be reduced from two in each direction to one in each direction.
“This training is critical for city staff, as we are better understanding the mechanics behind the flood closures, the time needed to install them, the equipment required and the manpower needed,” said Dan Jonasson, Minot public works director. “This will be one of the larger temporary road closures for the enhanced flood protection project, and is critical to protecting the water treatment plant in case of a flood. Thank you to the public for being patient and understanding during this slight delay in traffic on Tuesday on 16th Street SW.”
The training on July 18 will be the second of its kind by the Water Treatment Plant. More than 30 city staff participated in training at the end of June for the portion of the floodwall between 12th Street SW and 8th Avenue SW. The columns and aluminum stop logs used as a temporary closure are all housed in a storage building on site near the Water Treatment Plant. According to design and product specifications, the process would require a minimum of two hours at each opening (likely more time at larger openings) just to install the various pieces and ensure they are secure against a flood. Additional time is needed for the logistics of cleaning the base for installation, as well as mobilizing the stop logs and equipment to the individual site to perform the installation.
The length of the roadway closure on 16th Street SW, from just outside of the curb on each side is 87 feet, requiring 10 posts, spaced roughly every eight feet, to connect the stop logs properly and completely. Stop logs are also needed to close the two pedestrian walkways along this portion of the floodwall; the extended portion of the closure, considering the sidewalks, is almost 129 feet.
In total, 1,720 linear feet of concrete floodwalls are in place on the south side of the Mouse River to protect against a 2011-level flood event, plus freeboard. These floodwalls tie into two new temporary roadway closure structures and earthen levees. New lift stations and the adjustment of intake structures at the treatment plant were also part of the project.
This $25 million project is the first one to build floodwalls and levees after the 2011 flood; the various government partners are sharing the costs. The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program through FEMA allows for a federal share of 75 percent of actual costs, with the State of North Dakota’s share at 10 percent and the City of Minot’s share at 15 percent. The HMGP-Water Treatment Plant Project is a stand-alone effort to provide long-term protection to the region’s main potable water treatment facility.
Residents with questions about this project and other flood protection projects are encouraged to follow the City of Minot Facebook page, like the Mouse River Plan Facebook page, sign up for email alerts through the city’s website or visit www.mouseriverplan.com.