Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Project (MREFPP) MI-2/3 Napa Valley/Forest Road Reminds Reside

Minot, N.D. – Work along Phases MI-2 Napa Valley and MI-3 Forest Road of the Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Project (MREFPP) has resumed and is quickly ramping up.
Due to active construction and heavy equipment working in the area, recreation facilities in the construction zone remain closed including the new Dakota Bark Park (temporary location is open), Souris Valley Walking Path, and Wee Links Golf Course. Updates will be available once these facilities have reopened, which is scheduled for Summer 2020.
Work is expected to be substantially complete September 2020.
Safety is always a priority so please be vigilant near the construction zone.
For more information about the Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Project, visit, or visit us on Facebook at Mouse River Plan.