Railway Avenue Closure To Continue Through Winter Months
Through traffic on Railway Avenue will continue to be detoured south to Burdick Expressway, while local traffic will utilize 6th Avenue NE to access residential neighborhoods north of Railway Avenue.
The work on Railway Avenue is part of the Phase MI-5 Northeast Tieback Levee Project, a Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Project phase. Phase MI-5 includes earthen levees, arterial road changes, a dry stormwater pond, floodwalls, a city greenway feature, and a stormwater pump station.
When completed and connected to the first four phases of the MREFPP, the MI-5 phase will help remove approximately 60 percent of Minot residents from the proposed FEMA floodplain and, most importantly, provide long-term flood protection to the record flood of 2011. All the enhanced flood protection projects currently under construction and those under design provide a level of protection equal to the 2011 flood, plus three feet of freeboard.