Temporary lane closures on Broadway and Fourth Avenue NW to start Monday
Minot, N.D. – Temporary lane closures will be in place on North Broadway near the intersection of Fourth Avenue NW starting Monday, August 16. Contractors will close the inside driving lanes for both northbound and southbound traffic, reducing traffic to one lane each direction. Left turn lanes will be closed. At the intersection of North Broadway and Fourth Avenue left turns will not be possible. Thru traffic from Fourth Avenue NW heading east or west cannot cross North Broadway, but right turns will be allowed in each direction. Please choose alternate routes for eastbound and westbound traffic on Fourth Avenue wanting to cross North Broadway or turn left at the intersection. The lane closure is expected to be in place for five days.
The work on North Broadway is part of the Phase MI-1 Fourth Avenue Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Project which includes a six block stretch of levees, floodwalls, a new sanitary lift station, and a major stormwater pump station from just west of Broadway to the east side of Third Street NE. Construction on this phase is scheduled to be complete in late 2021.
